Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 2/18/2020 7:00:00 PM

An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Extension of the Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, and Annexation of a Tract of Land Known as the Aspen Heights II Annexation, Entirely Adjacent and Contiguous to the Present Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-403, and Establishing a C-1, General Commercial Zoning District, Subject to all Planning Requirements. (Planning Commission Vote 5/0)


Ordinance First Reading:  7/0

Ordinance Second Reading:  5/0 (Councilmen Carsrud and Lundvall absent)

During their regular scheduled meeting on December 17, 2019, the Governing Body of the City of Gillette approved Resolution No. 2715, initiating the annexation of 30.339 acres entirely adjacent and contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, pursuant to Wyoming Statute 15-1-403, known as the Aspen Heights II Annexation.  A copy of Resolution No. 2715 and a copy of the proposed Aspen Heights II Annexation plat is part of the review packet. This case was approved by the Planning Commission during their January 14, 2020, meeting with a vote of 5/0.

A majority of the landowners owning a majority of the area sought to be annexed have petitioned the City to annex 30.339 acres into the City limits. The land is located generally west of South Douglas Highway and south of the existing City of Gillette corporate limits. The property is contiguous to the current City boundaries to the north and west. The site has mostly undeveloped agricultural land and a City-owned water tank. The owners desire to have the tract annexed and zoned for commercial uses with access to City services. There are no statutes or ordinances that regulate the shape or size of an area to be annexed.

The proposed zoning of the area is C-1, General Commercial. The proposed zoning meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The existing development pattern is compatible with the proposed zoning. The City Council will make the final zoning determination at the time of annexation.

Water and sewer services are available for the annexation area; currently the proposed area is generally raw land with Wheel Drive in a public access easement which is privately maintained.  City owned and maintained water and sewer mains run north and south along the eastern boundary of Aspen Heights Addition. Gas and electric are available for extension as well.  There are no known water wells, or septic systems on the property.  There are two plugged and abandoned gas wells on the property. Required upgrades to the street network and to utilities is the responsibility of the property owners within the annexation area. Road and utility extensions and connections will be determined at the time of development of the property. 

All City infrastructure will be available for the private landowner’s use as the terms of the annexation report state. The benefits to the land owner include having access to City services which provide long-term security.  Any future development or construction will be reviewed by the City and shall meet City standards.

There is no significant City investment required in support of this annexation for water, sewer, streets, drainage or parks.

The only additional tax upon landowners resulting from annexation is an additional 8 mills ($8.00 per $1,000 of assessed value) collected by the City for General Operation of the City. The County Tax Assessor’s Office is responsible for establishing the classification of property, assessed value and the assessment rate.

As per the State of Wyoming Statute 15-1-402, each landowner was provided a letter by certified mail including the Public Hearing Notice outlining specific items such as water and sewer services, electrical services as well as a more comprehensive outline of the items previously mentioned.

The City has budgeted $1,000 for inclusion of the Southern Drive Water Tank site on the annexation plat.

I move for Approval of an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Extension of the Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, and Annexation of a Tract of Land Known as the Aspen Heights II Annexation, Entirely Adjacent and Contiguous to the Present Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-403, and Establishing a C-1, General Commercial Zoning District, Subject to all planning requirements on third and final reading


Ry Muzzarelli, P.E., Development Services Director

Click to download
Planning Commission Minutes 01/14/20
Planning Requirements
Exhibit "A" - Annexation Plat
Ariel and Vicinity Map
Annexation Boundary with 1/2 Mile Buffer
Resolution 2715
Draft Resolution
Draft Ordinance
Public Hearing Notice
Certificate of Determination