Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 2/17/2015 7:00:00 PM
Council Consideration for the Approval of the Preliminary Plat for Doud Ranch Addition, Phase IV, as Submitted by the Developer, Doud BTS, Subject to all Planning Requirements.
The applicant is planning a development consisting of 64 single-family homes and a parcel of commercial land.

The total area of the development is 31.59 acres, with 30.01 acres to be zoned R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and 1.66 acres zoned C-P, Planned Neighborhood Business District. The zoning for this development is currently scheduled for final approval at the February 17, 2015, City Council meeting. The proposed Preliminary Plat configuration aligns with this proposed zoning pattern.

The commercial parcel, labeled Tract E, has frontage on Wyoming State Highway 50 and on the extension of Southern Drive, to be known as Western Drive. The alignment of Western Drive has been established by the Western Drive Corridor Study completed in 2012. The road is proposed to be a loop road around the community and, as such, will be heavily traveled in the future. 

The developer will be required to construct a 60' wide right-of-way of Western Drive from Highway 50 to Doud Drive.  This right-of-way is to be dedicated and the balance of the land needed for the future 150' right-of-way of Western Drive is to be shown as Tract F. 

The residential portion of the plan has two (2) access points onto Western Drive along the south and an access from the north by connecting to the existing Doud Drive that is a part of the Doud Ranch Addition, Phase III, development. The plat has a 1.42 Street Connectivity Index, which exceeds the minimum standard. The average lot size is 16,117 square feet. A water transmission line and a distribution line exist on the site and are planned to be accommodated by an easement and the Doud Drive right-of-way.

A private access drive known as Rock Road exists by an easement and will need to be accommodated in the design and phased construction of Western Drive.  Tract C in the northwest corner of the site provides access to an existing City water tank. Tract D is intended to be used as a drainage detention area. Tract G is the land left to the south of the Western Drive right-of-way and is not to be developed at this time.

The Parks and Beautification Board recommended payment of fees in lieu of land in the amount of $22,400 at their January 22, 2015 meeting.
I move for Approval of the Preliminary Plat for Doud Ranch Addition, Phase IV, Subject to all Planning Requirements.
Dustin Hamilton, P.E., Development Services Director
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Aerial and Vicinity
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary Grading Plan
Preliminary Utility Plan
Preliminary Offsite Utility Plan
Planning Requirements