Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 11/2/2015 7:00:00 PM
An Ordinance Providing for the Vacation of a Portion of a 40 Foot Wide General Utility Easement Located on Tract C, Gillette Tech Center, Phase III, A Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 5, Gillette Tech Center, Phase I and Tract D, Gillette Tech Center, Phase II, Subject to all Planning Requirements. 
Ordinance First Reading:  6/0 (Councilman Carsrud absent)
Ordinance Second Reading:  6/0 (Councilman Rothleutner - resigned)

The applicant is requesting to Vacate a 10 foot wide portion of a 40 foot wide General Utility Easement located on Tract C, Gillette Tech Center, Phase III, A Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 5, Gillette Tech Center, Phase I and Tract D, Gillette Tech Center, Phase II. Vacating a portion of this easement will allow the applicant to construct all of the peripheral structures that will accompany the new dormitory, which were purposed as part of the Gillette College Master Plan.

This easement was platted in  2007 as part of the Gillette Tech Center Phase II subdivision.  In the past,  the Gillette College Campus has been developed in more of a piecemeal manner.  However, the new Gillette College Master Plan has provided the school with a long range plan for the development and expansion of the campus. The new plan will allow the campus to develop both parking and utility connections in a more efficient and cost effective manner.  As a result of this plan, several new utility easements will  be created and a few will be vacated.  The only portion of this easement that will not be vacated is a small section where another 20 foot wide General Utility Easement crosses this easement.

One aspect of the Gillette College Master Plan is to increase student housing.  A Development plan that will create a 72 bedroom dormitory and dining facility was recently submitted to the City.  Adjacent to the student housing is a chiller pad that will slightly encroach into the 40 foot wide General Utility Easement.

Just south of the dormitory will be a large parking lot. This parking lot will be utilized for the newly proposed Education and Activities Center building and for students who live on campus. The 40 foot wide General Utility Easement will extend from the dormitory down past the parking lot.  Inside the parking lot will be a trash receptacle. A fence enclosing the trash receptacle will slightly encroach into the easement.

All City Divisions and other utility companies have been notified of this request and have not expressed any concerns over the proposed vacations. Water, gas, and electrical are in this easement but are not contained in the portion that is proposed to be vacated. During a utility locate, a gas line was found within the easement.  The gas line does not belong to Source Gas and it is not clear if the line has been abandoned. However, the gas line is well outside of the 10 foot wide portion of the easement that is being vacated. 
I move for Approval of an Ordinance Providing for the Vacation of a Portion of a 40 Foot Wide General Utility Easement Located on Tract C, Gillette Tech Center, Phase III, A Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 5, Gillette Tech Center, Phase I and Tract D, Gillette Tech Center, Phase II, as shown on the Exhibit "A" Map, in the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Subject to all Planning Requirements on Third and Final Reading. 
Dustin Hamilton, P.E., Development Services Director
Click to download
Planning Requirements
Aerial and Vicinity
Exhibit A
Exhibit A Pg 2
Exhibit B