Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 9/5/2017 7:00:00 PM
Council Consideration of a Bid Award for the Dalbey Park to the Energy Capital Sports Complex Pathway Project to S&S Builders, LLC, in the Amount of $371,631.50 (1% Project, WYDOT TAP Grant Funding).

This project is a concrete pathway connection of Dalbey Park to the gravel pathway in the Energy Capital Sports Complex. The project provides a new 8’ wide concrete pathway from Butler Spaeth Road to Miranda Avenue and continues at the Sinclair Street/Garner Lake Road intersection, along Garner Lake Road into the Sports Complex.  The work includes a new pedestrian bridge across Donkey Creek. A new pedestrian flasher system will also be installed at the intersection of Butler Spaeth Road and Sinclair Street to help with the road crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists. In conjunction with this construction, on-street bike lanes will be striped on Sinclair Street where existing sidewalks are less than 8’ wide. This is the first of multiple projects to tie the Gillette College area to the regional park facility.

The WYDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) has awarded a grant in the amount of $244,517 for this project. This award is based on an 80/20 cost share with the City. The City will be paying for their match using 1% Optional Sales Tax Funds (via the 1% Bike and Walking Pathways fund). During the bid, several minor mathematical mistakes were made which have been corrected in accordance with the General Conditions of the contract.  The proposed bid award reflects these changes.                                             


The City’s 1% budget (201-10-05-419-70-47406 Bike and Walking Pathways) has $329,517.00 set aside for this project, which includes the TAP grant funds.  The current remaining balance available for this project is $321,618.24.  The apparent low bidder is S&S Builders with a bid of $371,631.50.  There is also an additionally estimated $6,000 for testing and $4,000 for construction contingencies.  This leaves the current project funding approximately $60,000 short.

In order to move the project forward to bid award, and to take full advantage of the grant funding, Staff would like to recommend that the City budget an additional $60,000 from the 1% budget to cover the current funding shortfall for this project.  These funds could be allocated from the currently estimated unassigned cash on-hand from last fiscal year, which includes previous year project savings and additional tax revenues that came in through the end of the fiscal year.


I move for Approval of a Bid Award for the Dalbey Park to the Energy Capital Sports Complex Pathway Project to S & S Builders, LLC, in the Amount of $371,631.50 (1% Project, WYDOT TAP Grant funding).

MAP/VIDEO - Heath VonEye P.E., City Engineer/Interim Development Services Director 
Click to download
Bid Results