Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 6/5/2018 7:00:00 PM
A Public Hearing for the Extension of the Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, and Annexation of a Tract of Land Known as the Country Club Island Annexation, Entirely  Adjacent and Contiguous to the Present Boundaries of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-404, and Establishing an A, Agricultural Zoning District, an R-S, Suburban Residential Zoning District, and an R-2, Single and Two Family Residential Zoning District, Subject to all Planning Requirements.

During their regular scheduled meeting on May 1, 2018, the Governing Body of the City of Gillette approved Resolution No. 2659, initiating the annexation of 94.71 acres of land, including 5.49 acres of right-of-way, entirely adjacent and contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, pursuant to Wyoming Statute 15-1-404, known as the Country Club Island Annexation. 

This area is a logical extension of the City limits and will be serviceable.  The land area covered by this annexation is proposed to be zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential District for the four (4) homes and one (1) church on Country Club Road, R-S, Suburban Residential Zoning District for the two (2) residential parcels on 7Bar7 Drive, and A, Agriculture District for the three (3) large, undeveloped parcels north of East Boxelder Road, south of East Boxelder Road and south of Country Club Road (which includes one residence).  The City Council makes any final determinations of the zoning districts at the time of annexation.   The Comprehensive Plan envisions the future land use to be mixed use for this area, including Commercial, Residential, and High-Density Residential districts.

The south-west corner of Boxelder Road and Butler Spaeth Road has a tri-faced billboard which is not in compliance with Section 10, Sign Regulations, of the City Zoning Ordinance.  Section 10 f.(1)(g) indicates “No billboard shall exceed six hundred eighty (680) square feet in area (on a single face) and shall not be erected closer than one hundred fifty feet (150’) from another billboard on the same side of the street.”  Section 10 g.(2) indicates, “Where a sign has two or more display faces, the area of all faces shall be measured, unless such faces join back to back, are parallel to each other and are no more than twenty four inches (24”) apart.” The billboard currently exceeds the 680 square foot limit. The continued use of the non-conforming billboard will be determined upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and a final decision of the City Council.  The Planning Commission discussed the nonconforming use at their meeting on May 22, 2018 and recommended that the nonconforming use be allowed upon annexation.  Planning Commission passed this case on a 6-0 vote.

There is no significant City investment required in support of this annexation for water, sewer, streets, drainage or parks.  The City has budgeted $15,300 for the annexation plat development, and estimates another $104,000 will be necessary to extend City Electrical Service to the annexation area.

Landowners within the proposed annexation area will be responsible for all costs associated with the extension of water, sewer, streets, drainage and other infrastructure improvements required at the time of future development, in accordance with City Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and City Engineering Design and Construction Standards. 

As outline in Chapter 17-26 of the Gillette City Code, "Every occupied property in the city capable of being served by the water and sewer system, shall be connected. Properties not connected with the system, that are capable of being connected shall be given written notice of the obligation to connect to the system within ninety (90) days. The City Council may grant an extension of time to connect to the system."

Existing homes and buildings currently without City water service and which have City water service stubs to their property have been required to connect to the City water system within 90 Days of publication of the Annexation, as was outlined in their Annexation Reports.  The connections require the appropriate Cut Permits, Plumbing Permits, and Plant Investment Fees prior to connection.  Existing septic systems are being allowed for continued use until the time of failure, at which time a sanitary sewer main extension will be required to be made to serve most of the properties in question.  Any future development or construction will be reviewed by the City and shall meet City Standards.

The only additional tax upon landowners resulting from annexation is an additional 8 mills ($8.00 per $1,000 of assessed value) collected for General Operation of the City. The County Tax Assessor’s Office is responsible for establishing the classification of property, assessed value and the assessment rate. 

As per the State of Wyoming Statute 15-1-402, each landowner was provided a letter by certified mail including the Public Hearing Notice outlining specific items such as water and sewer services, electrical services as well as a more comprehensive outline of the items previously mentioned.
MAP - Heath VonEye, P.E., Development Services Director
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