Planning Commission Vote: 7/0
Ordinance First Reading: 7/0
Ordinance Second Reading: 7/0
During their regular scheduled meeting on March 5, 2024, the Governing Body of the city of Gillette approved Resolution No. 2866, initiating the annexation of 54.2 acres adjacent and contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, pursuant to Wyoming Statute 15-1-403, known as the Capps Annexation Second Addition.
The County has sent a letter supporting this annexation. Their letter stated the following: “In accordance with 2013 Campbell County Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) Chapters 3 and 6, ‘Land Use’ and ‘Goals and Implementation’ respectively, the County supports this annexation request. The Campbell County Planning Commission supported the creation and zoning of the property for economic development on October 19, 2023, with the board of County Commissioners approval on November 21, 2023. Additionally, the 2023 Gillette Vision 2040 ‘Industrial Diversification Action Plan’ Theme 1, Item 2, encourages streamlining City/County processes. Annexing the Capp property complies with this action item.”
This area is a logical extension of the City limits and will be serviceable. The land is generally located east of Garner Lake Road, between Vaquero Dr and I-90, and is bordered by corporate limits on the west side of the property. The owners desire to have the Tract annexed and zoned for C-1, General Commercial District uses with access to City services. There are no statutes or ordinances that regulate the shape or size of an area to be annexed.
The proposed zoning of the area is C-1, General Commercial District. The Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in 2013 envisioned the future land use to be a Mixed-Use Industrial Area. Across the Interstate, just south of the Tract, the Comprehensive Plan envisioned future land use to be Mixed Use Commercial/Industrial. Although C-1, General Commercial District, is not in perfect alignment with the proposed future use of Mixed-Use Industrial, it is a natural step back from what was proposed. C-1 will be in better keeping with the existing commercial lots on the west side of Garner Lake. Additionally, the transition from the nearby residential areas to a C-1 Zoning District will also be more in keeping with standard planning practices. The City Council will make the final zoning determination at the time of annexation.
The site currently has some mobile homes and small storage structures. The mobile homes are supplied by a private well that is situated on an adjacent property and private septic systems. If this Tract is zoned C-1, then the existing mobile homes would be considered a nonconforming use and have an exempt or “grandfathered in” status upon annexation. If a mobile home were to be removed from its existing location for more than twelve consecutive months, then the “grandfathered” status would be removed, and no other mobile home could be placed in its stead. If the mobile home were to be replaced within a period of less than twelve months, the new mobile home could be no larger than the original and would have to be placed in the same location. When the water well and septic systems fail, it will be required that those water and septic systems are replaced with City of Gillette Wastewater and Water services. The owners will be required to pay for these improvements. Any new development will not be allowed to hook up to these private services.
There is no significant City investment required in support of this annexation for water, sewer, streets, drainage or parks. This area is a logical extension of the City of Gillette corporate limits and will be serviceable. Water and Sewer services are available for the annexation area with services within an acceptable distance to the proposed annexation area. There is public access from Garner Lake Road. Gas and electrical are available for extension as well. Required upgrades to utilities are the responsibility of the property owners within the annexation area. Road and utility extensions and connections will be determined at the time of development of the property.
Any future development or construction will be reviewed by the City and shall meet City standards.
The additional tax upon landowners resulting from annexation is an additional 8 mills ($8.00 per $1,000 of assessed value) collected by the City for General Operation of the City. The County Tax Assessor’s Office is responsible for establishing the classification of property, assessed value, and the assessment rate.
As per the State of Wyoming Statute 15-1-402, each landowner within 300 feet of the proposed annexation will be provided a letter by certified mail including the Public Hearing Notice outlining specific items such as water and sewer services, electrical services as well as a more comprehensive outline of the items previously mentioned.
This case was approved by the Planning Commission during their March 12, 2024, meeting with a vote of 7/0. |