Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 5/21/2024 6:00:00 PM
Council Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management and Contract Administration Services Associated with the Hidden Valley Playground Renovations Project to Consolidated Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $26,753.75 (1% Project).

The Hidden Valley Playground Renovations Project represents the third phase of the Park Playgrounds Master Plan developed with Russell + Mills Studios and pertains to a complete removal and replacement of the existing playground and surrounding landscape at Hidden Valley Park located at 4303 Hidden Valley Road. To comply with LWCF procurement requirements, the City of Gillette advertised a “Request for Proposals” to select a qualified engineering and construction survey consultant to oversee the project during construction.

WHEN CONSTRUCTED: The playground and surrounding park have not been significantly updated since at least 1993.  The existing playground and play equipment may be as much as fifty (50) years old and is not compliant with current safety and playground industry standards.

WHY NEEDED: This park was selected as a priority for replacement due to the age of the play equipment and the general condition of the surrounding park landscape.  The play equipment is maintenance intensive and lacking in diverse play opportunities.  Further, the existing playground features/access are non-ADA compliant, and non-compliant with current playground safety standards. The project is consistent with objectives outlined in the Parks and Pathways Master Plan, Playgrounds Master Plan as well as recent other playground renovations within the City of Gillette Parks System. The construction of the project involves a significant survey and staking element.  The finish grades of the play pits and surrounding landscape must be correct, the concrete boarder of the play pits and the play equipment must be sighted appropriately to provide for fall distances and meet playground safety standards, and the drainage system of the playground must be properly sighted and installed.  For these reasons, this contract provides for verification of contractor provided staking and construction survey.

SCHEDULE: Construction is anticipated to begin this summer and continue into the fall.  The contract documents require the project to be completed on or before November 22, 2024.


Monies for this project have been budgeted in the 1% Optional Sales Tax Fund. 


A Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant in the amount of $250,000 has also been secured for this project. 


The project is fully funded.


RESPONSES AND PROPOSALS: The Request for Proposals was advertised beginning on February 6th and was available to interested respondents for six (6) consecutive weeks.

Proposals were received at 4:00PM on Friday, March 14th, for this project.  Three (3) complete, regular, and responsive proposals were received:


Responding Consulting Firm

Proposed Cost not to Exceed

Consolidated Engineers, Inc.


Morrison Maierle, Inc.


WWC Engineering, Inc.



Consolidated Engineers, Inc. was selected as providing the lowest responsive and responsible proposal for the requested services.  During contract negotiation, additional services were identified to provide additional time for document and submittal review, coordination and verification of documents related to LWCF grant funding requirements.  These additional services were incorporated into the final contract price.

I move for Approval of a Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management and Contract Administration Services Associated with the Hidden Valley Playground Renovations Project to Consolidated Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $26,753.75 (1% Project).
Ry Muzzarelli, P.E., Development Services Director
Click to download
24EN13-Concept Rendering
24EN13-Reference Map
24EN13-RFP for CM and CA
24EN13-CEI Proposal