Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 5/21/2024 6:00:00 PM
An Ordinance to Amend the District Zoning Map of the City of Gillette, Wyoming, for Lot 1 of Block 10, Westside Addition, City of Gillette, Campbell County, Wyoming, from I-1, Light Industrial District, to C-1, General Commercial District per the Attached Exhibit. Subject to all Planning Requirements. (Planning Commission Vote: 5/0)

The owner is proposing to rezone 101 S Fir Ave from I-1, Light Industrial District, to C-1, General Commercial District. The property is three acres and there is an existing building on the west side. The owner would like to utilize this building as a commercial business center for retail shops, salons, and other services. This proposed use is not allowed within the I-1 District but is consistent with the with the uses of the surrounding properties.

101 S Fir Ave is a five-sided lot. Four of those five sides are bordered by a C-1 District. The fifth side is bordered by an I-1 District. The minimum district size for a C-1 District is four (4) acres. The surrounding zoning district that this parcel will become part of is 23.26 acres currently and would become 26.28 acres if the aforementioned lot were to merge with that district.

Pursuant to Section 12 of the City of Gillette’s Zoning Ordinance, a Zoning Map Amendment shall not be approved except to:

(1)    Correct an obvious error, or

(2)    Recognize changing conditions in the City for the promotion of public health, safety, or welfare.

This rezone would serve to recognize changing conditions within the City. S Fir Ave lies within an older part of town that has seen quite a bit of change over the years. Traditionally, industrial uses within the City have bordered the rail road as the rail system was utilized for access to materials and shipping. We have since seen a shift and industrial areas are being developed more predominantly on the outskirts of the City. This rezone would recognize that the area is becoming more commercial, rather than industrial, and create a street barrier between the two zoning districts. This street barrier affords more distance between the commercial and industrial uses, thus addressing the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare through this separation.

This case was approved by the Planning Commission during their May 14, 2024, meeting with a vote of 5/0.


I move for Approval of an Ordinance to Amend the District Zoning Map of the City of Gillette, Wyoming for Lot 1 of Block 10, Westside Addition, City of Gillette, Campbell County, Wyoming, from I-1, Light Industrial District, to C-1, General Commercial District, per the Attached Exhibit. Subject to all Planning Requirements.

MAP - Ry Muzzarelli, P.E., Development Services Director
Click to download
Vicinity Map
Zoning Exhibit
Planning Requirements
Findings of Facts
Meeting Minutes 05/14/24