The applicant seeks to subdivide Lot 5A, Block 5, of High Plains Business Park Subdivision into four lots, creating Red Lodge Town Homes, Phase 1. In 2022, the owner discussed their plans with Planning Staff and indicated that their intent was to construct townhomes on the existing lot but have separate ownership for each townhome. Due to titling and ownership issues, Staff recommended that a Minor Subdivision was the best route for the property owner. Because the townhomes will have shared walls, Planning Staff and the property owner agreed that the subdivision for each individual home could take place after the foundation was poured; the Certificate of Occupancy would be withheld until the subdivision was legally filed with the County Clerk’s Office. Proposed Lot 1 is 0.14 acres, Lot 2 is 0.10 acres, Lot 3 is 0.12 acres, and Tract 1 is 0.91 acres. The lots are currently zoned R-4, Multi-Family Residential. The minimum area of a Zone Lot in R-4 is 3,000 square feet per unit; minimum width is 50 feet at the front setback line; required open space is 500 square feet for each dwelling unit. For the purpose of this subdivision the boundary outline of the Zone Lot is the outer boundary lines of Lots 1, 2, and 3 making the total area of the considered Zone Lot 0.36 acres, or 15,681.6 square feet.
This case was approved by the Planning Commission during their May 14, 2024, meeting with a vote of 5/0. |