Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 10/15/2024 6:00:00 PM
Council Consideration for the Acceptance of Public Improvements for the 2024 Chip Seal Project, Installed by Simon Contractors, in the Amount of $457,751.00 (1% Project).

This project (24EN15) includes chip sealing streets as part of the city’s street maintenance program. All of the areas to be chip sealed have been identified with the PAVER software program as areas needing surfacing maintenance. The PAVER software provides each street with a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) number. The higher the PCI for a street, the better condition it is in. The chip seal maintenance technique will help protect the surfacing and extend the life of the surfacing an estimated five to seven years.

WHAT WAS DONE: The completed chip seal process includes:

1. The existing surface is cleaned, and an emulsified mixture (asphalt and water blended) is then applied to the road using a special spray truck.

2. Immediately after spraying the emulsified mixture, a layer of crushed gravel is applied by a chip spreader. The gravel (or chips) has a maximum size of 3/8 inch.

3. Next, the gravel is compacted and embedded into the asphalt by rubber-tired rollers.

4. After compacting, the loose gravel is swept off the surface. This may take several

5. Then a fog seal is sprayed over the rock to hold the rock in place and add another layer of weathering protection.

WHY CHIP SEALING MAKES SENSE: A chip seal has many benefits as part of the city’s street maintenance program. Some of these benefits include:

  •  Keeping water from penetrating the road structure on paved surfaces.
  •  Fill and seal cracks and raveled surfaces of old pavement.
  • To provide an anti-glare surface during wet weather and an increased reflective surface for night driving.
  •  Minimizes the effects of aging.
  •  Provides a skid-resistant surface, particularly on wet pavements.
  •  The cost of chip seals is 15%-20% of the cost of pavement overlays.

This is one process of an overall preventive maintenance program to help extend the life of the City of Gillette’s roadway system.

WHERE: Throughout various streets in town. See the attached map.

SCHEDULE: This project was completed within the scheduled time frame in August 2024.


The Project was awarded to Simon Contractors in the amount of $471,913.00 (1% Project).

There was one (1) change order with the project to reconcile final quantities which decreased the total contract by $14,162.00, which leaves a total project cost of $457,751.00.

This project was fully funded with the Optional 1% Sales Tax Fund with an allocation of $522,316.00 from FY2024.


I move for Approval of the Acceptance of Public Improvements for the 2024 Chip Seal Project, Installed by Simon Contractors, in the Amount of $457,751.00 (1% Project).

MAP - Ry Muzzarelli, P.E., Development Services Director
Click to download
Location Map
Cert of Final Completion
Cert of Substantial completion