Approval Sheet

201 E. 5th Street
Phone (307)686-5200

DATE: 6/18/2019 7:00:00 PM
Council Consideration of a Resolution Initiating Annexation of a Tract of Land Contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-403 and W.S. 15-1-405, Generally Known as Aspen Heights II, and Establishing a Public Hearing Date of July 16, 2019, for the Annexation Public Hearing to Determine if the Proposed Annexation Complies with W.S. 15-1-402.
An owner-initiated annexation of a tract of land adjacent and contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, pursuant to Wyoming Statute 15-1-403, known as the Aspen Heights II Annexation.

City Staff received an Petition to Annex along with an Annexation Plat Application on January 23, 2019, initiating the annexation process of a 29.601 acre tract of land adjacent and contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming pursuant to Wyoming Statute 15-1-403, generally known as the Aspen Heights II Annexation.

This area is a logical extension of the City limits and will be serviceable.  The proposed zoning of the area is C-1, General Commercial District, and meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The existing development pattern is compatible with the proposed zoning. The City Council will make the final zoning determination at the time of annexation.

The area sought to be annexed is 29.601 acres. The land is located generally west of South Douglas Highway, south of the existing City of Gillette corporate limits. The property is contiguous to the current City boundaries to the north, east, and west. The site has mostly undeveloped agricultural land and a City-owned water tank. The majority land owner desires to have the tract annexed and zoned for commercial uses with access to City services. Any future development or construction will be reviewed by the City and shall meet City standards. 
There is no significant City investment required in support of this annexation for water, sewer, streets, drainage or parks. The City had budgeted $1,000 for a portion of the annexation plat due to the water tank being included in the annexation. 

Landowners within the proposed annexation area will be responsible for all costs associated with the extension of water, sewer, streets, drainage and other infrastructure improvements required at the time of development in accordance with City Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and City Design and Construction Standards.  
Public Hearing notices will be sent via certified mail in accordance with Wyoming Statute 15-1-405 to all affected landowners and utility companies within the annexation area.  The public hearing notice will be published in the Gillette News Record on July 21 and 28, 2019.

Annexation reports will be prepared in accordance with Wyoming Statute 15-1-402 and sent via certified mail with the Public Hearing Notice to all affected landowners and utility companies.

City Staff Recommends approval.

The City had budgeted $1,000 for a portion of the annexation plat due to the water tank being included in the annexation. The work has been done by Doyle Land Surveying, Inc.


I move to Approve a Resolution Initiating Annexation of a Tract of Land Contiguous to the City of Gillette, Wyoming, Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-403 and W.S. 15-1-405, Generally Known as Aspen Heights II, and Establishing a Public Hearing Date of July 16, 2019 for the Annexation Public Hearing to Determine if the Proposed Annexation Complies with W.S. 15-1-402.


MAP - Ry Muzzarelli, P.E., Development Services Director

Click to download
Exhibit A - Vicinity Map
Exhibit B - Property Owners within Annexation
Exhibit C - Certification of Determination